Sunday, September 12, 2021

Groups/ Personal Boundaries

For some strategies when boundaries become a problem see On Protection

Some people link the concept of a group-mind to the idea of an egregore. A kind of reality or consensus builds up and, even though other members are not present, people may act in accordance with that reality or belief system. It ties in with what happens in cults, workplaces and so on. Some cultures place importance on family and ancestors, and believe that current family members may be strongly influenced by traumas or actions of predecessors, or can be possessed by them, or by other forces. There is also a term 'overshadowing', where one seems to write or do something from out of nowhere, as if influenced by something 'other'. And many people have experienced a kind of telepathy with a person they are close to, simply knowing when something is wrong in their life.

Some of the most down-to-earth writers on esoteric subjects, advise people to make up their own minds about what matters in their circumstances, and just  keep doing the best they can.

Stalking, Violence, Control

If you are being stalked physically or emotionally, or something like it happens online, there are useful books on Amazon, and anti-stalking advice online. Stalking is an obsession. It can be dangerous, and you need to be careful. Don't engage.

If you are in a situation of domestic violence, get good advice. Also explore coercive control.

Cuckooing of the Mind

There are various methods of trying to take control over someone, starting with gaining trust or sympathy. We may do some of this in the normal way of things, perhaps trading one thing for another in a relationship. Done with skill and intent, it becomes immoral and dishonest: misrepresentation - i.e. a veritable scam, or fraud. Starting from small beginnings, it can overtake the mark's life, or soul. Another way of viewing The Mark of the Beast? Is this how Cults work?

Link to Cultures or Cults: Do They Hypnotise Us? 

For more on Souls, crime, groups, heredity, skip to
Full Circle: Wrapping Things Up

Try to avoid getting drawn into relationships or activities that could turn problematic. Things can happen very fast, but keep a weather eye open, ready to extract yourself. People tried to involve me in an occult group that advertised in a London newspaper. Other times I attended various introductory lectures, and held discussion groups. More than one person warned me about other activities that some members engaged in. Not everything & everyone are as they seem, and you may be happy with some things but not others. Reading the work of authors who got more deeply involved and 'duped', they seem to take an avoidance path, cutting themselves off from those people, rather than confronting them.

Protect Yourself

Biological/technical methods of control see: and scroll to Invasive Technology. You are free to believe in the possible effectiveness of psychic intuition or influence. Some people have it, some don't. Some believe in it, some don't! Strong emotions can be pretty powerful in themselves.

Just consider why technology often tries to find ways to enhance or overtake unusual abilities.

What is Gangstalking?

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See Shielding Tips for ways to minimise possible effects from 5G, EMF, at

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