Sunday, September 12, 2021

New Blog 2021


See our profiles for other Blogs in the range. They are about changes in behaviour that most of us do in response to different circumstances or people, or how we feel at the time... Sometimes we don't know why we reacted a particular way, or why someone we know does, and may make some excuse to cover it. All part of life's tapestry, and there's a need to take it as it comes.

Other times it seems odd, as if the person had a head transplant - a sudden change in character or behaviour that could be a one-off, or seems more permanent. People are often observant and understanding, up to a point. Some of you will remember a Soap called Crossroads, in which characters changed, quite credibly, over time! The first Blog began from the concept that things had started off like any other day, but somehow ended with a crucial and tragic reversal.

The new Blog derives from the current situation in most countries, of a so-called pandemic of Coronavirus or Covid, which many experts feel demands measures of certain vaccinations, which are untested over a long period, can cause health issues in themselves, and apparently will require top-ups for some participants. There can be an ensuing split between those who see it as our best or only way out, and those who don't want it for themselves or their loved ones, and especially for children. In England, after weeks of rumours of vaccine passports, we hear they won't be imposed yet for large and smaller activities. Other countries such as Austria, Australia, United States and Canada, already face strict lockdowns and segregation, with likelihood of mandatory vaccination for large swathes of population. Many people have been sacked already for not complying, or they simply downed tools regardless. None of this is easy.

Does all or some of this increase people's stress, and they find themselves or those around doing something they would never usually do? Have you found others behaving towards you differently, and you think it's because you didn't want vaccination? Do you think their vaccination changed them somehow, and have things changed back over time? There have been hints by some broadcasters of changes in some of the vaccinated, but they don't elaborate or maybe feel it inappropriate to hurt or embarrass people - or land themselves in a lawsuit!

We recently wondered about a neighbour, usually outgoing and not likely to take umbrage or shun anyone. She seemed to have withdrawn or be avoiding us increasingly. After a couple of weeks we phoned and everything was as before. It is easy to misunderstand or over-assume. After a booster injection, she had dramatic after-effects and a hospital check-up. Never one to give up, she was soon back on trips out. But things don't seem the same.

Another possibility, apart from stresses & strains of this stuff, is that people may be affected by 5G or similar, so reduce your exposure. Any mention of that on Twitter gets a temporary ban, permanent if you persist.

NOTES - 17th November 2021

Since writing the above, we hear of a Travis Scott concert in Houston, Texas, where satanic or skull imagery, flaming artwork and you-name-it, topped with music and atmosphere, wound the audience into a frenzy. What's new? Photos taken with ordinary phones appear to show smokey shapes floating down onto a section of the crowd, similar to shapes captured in some UFO pictures. A shout went up to Stop the Show as some youngsters fell and died. The Show went on. Some present said many people couldn't breathe, while taller people were not so affected. When a red light played, it was like the game of Statues with people frozen in place till the light turned green. Speculation is that something like 5G was also used, having the effect of opening a portal. Some youngsters were very aware.

It looks likely that dissent between those who genuinely believe in these vaccinations as our way out, and those who are more cautious about efficacy + risks, has been skilfully exacerbated. The countries mentioned are steaming ahead with curfew plans and lists of places unvaccinated people cannot access, or things they cannot do. Whatever your beliefs or experience, you can only do the best in your circumstances. We do not know how infection may spread and harm people, via effects of the injections.

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